Saturday, February 10, 2018

Logan (2017)

Recently, I again had the urge to see this movie. So I got it from Netflix and sat down to watch this afternoon.

The movie was not bad. I liked the characters. Logan was pretty bad-ass, especially when the early going when he is worn down with adamantium poisoning and having to provide for himself and Charles. Charles was cool too. He didn't have much to say or do, but he was an anchor for the story. I liked Laura, though her character evolved a little too fast for me. The bad guys were okay, kind of generic.

The story was kind of disappointing. Maybe only because it wasn't what I expected. I was thinking this would be a more realistic and gritty take: old Logan hiding an old Charles out from enemies kind of thing. And it was like that in the early going. But after the plot started to get going, the story was only okay. A chase movie and a bonding movie kind of thing.

I did like the action. It was well choreographed and easy to follow. And how can you not like Wolverine putting his claws through a guy's head or lopping off a guy's arm. Pretty graphic! Also, I did like the script. Logan saying "fuck" and "shit" again and again in frustration with life was effective.

Overall, not a bad movie, but not particularly mindblowing for me. I can see why "Logan" is regarded as one the best superhero movies. And I do agree Hugh and Dafne's acting was excellent. But the movie didn't leave me wanting more.

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